Saturday, 26 February 2011

Happy Birthday Kim!!

"She is never going to see this coming"
 "Who on earth could that be? Come in!"
"Well Kimmeh I thought I'd bring 3 very special ladies over to help celebrate your birthday."
 "Never thought you'd see us all together did you?"
"Let's get this party started, eh? Drinks all around, non-alcoholic ones for Kim of course."
"Who needs to wait for drinks, let's dance."
"I don't know Kay. Kim doesn't look so sure."
 "No running away Kim. Thea's made all these drinks and you're going to have one!"
 "Thanks for bringing them by Thea!"
We decided to carry on with the dancing outside.
"Hey Kim, let's have a go on the trampoline."
 "Jenna! What on earth are you doing?"
"Oh come on it's just a small bang."
"Um, yeah that's a small bang alright."
 While Jenna showered we decided to tone it down a bit with some tea.
And then it was time for the main event.
"Happy Birthday to you"
 "Happy Birthday to you."
 "Happy Birthday dear Kim"
 "Happy Birthday to you."
 You may be a year old but you still look fabulous.
 Have a  wonderful Birthday Kim <33

 And an extra shot from my first idea that I scraped in favour of the heiresses

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