Friday, 31 December 2010

New Years Eve 2010

"Hurry up Kitty we're all ready already."
"I'll get her."
"Be right there." *mumbles*Stupid hair why aren't you cooperating. 
"You look perfect as always. Stop worrying and let's go downstairs."
"Hey sexy why don't you and me go outside for a minute."
"Won't we be missed?"
"Nah, we'll be quick." *wink*
"Kitty shhhhh she'll hear us."
"I can't help it I just can't wait for her to see it."
"Um did I here something in there?"
"Oh you know Thea always tripping over herself I'm sure it's nothing. But I guess we can check it out."
"You guys!!!"
"We couldn't let 300,000 views go without celebration. Sorry we are a little late but since we were having a party anyway we thought we would just combine it and make it one big celebrations!!

"We hope you like it Berryboo! Now, let's get this party started!" Kitty grabbed Bondi and wasted no time getting down.
As usual Berry still managed to look completely elegant while the rest of us danced around like fools
Even hubby got in on the dancing for once

Eventually we took a break from songs and got out the Sims PS3. I was totally shocked we got J to play!
No New Years Eve is complete without a midnight kiss.
Sleep well my girls and may next year bring even more happiness and joy than this one!!

Happy New Years Everyone!!!!

Sunday, 24 October 2010

The Return of Berry

"Where are we going?"
"Just keep those eyes closed. We'll get there soon."
"Yeah Burzy no peaking."
"We're almost there."
 "Hey everyone they're almost here! Get ready."
 "Jake, Amelia seriously we have to be in our places now!"
Here they come!

 The line for the buffet was a bit long though
 It was still going late into the night!
 While some were eating a little dance party started. Jakey doesn't look too pleased that Amelia is dancing with Cupcake.
But he was soon won over and we all started to join in.
 Shake it Bossy!
 Our guest of honour was a little hesitant at first.
 But a cheerful Kitty pulled her in and got her going.
There was some rather intense dancing. 
Plenty of chatting
 And a little firting

And at the end of the night Berry was back with her computer.


Simselves attending this party where (in no specific order)
Terra Cooper
friendliellama (Angie)
Bossybutt (Laura)
and Me

I tired to make sure you were all in one picture but if I have failed I am truly sorry. I still have us all in one girnormous household and will occasionally pop in and see what we are up to <3

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Kitty's Birthday

After your family party we decided to steal you away for one of our own
Of course we made sure there was plenty of sushi

"Mmm this is super yummy Berry!"

"Meh we prefer Mac and Cheese thank you very much."
After dinner Kitty decided to go hunting
"Um, Kitty we should get back everyone is waiting."
"But a Kitty's got to catch butterfly's"
Dance time!

Go Kitty!

Go Kitty!

Go, go, go Kitty!!
Cake time!

And pressies
" I once heard that you live by the Coco Chanel saying that a woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future."
I guess you liked it :-)